Thursday, 6 March 2014


Did Therold Prudent just say that he would legalize ganja and let school age minors smoke giant joombas in the classroom?

Is Therold Prudent out of his mind?

No. Of course not. He never said any such thing. Why would you even think that?

But what Therold Prudent did say could very well amount to the decriminalization of ganja.
W hat 5-bag ting y'all talking there?
Holland doh have no five bags!
Ganja is the single most potent political and economic issue of the near future in St Lucia. And there is practically no one left who still believes that the  decriminalization of ganja will lead to the end of Western Civilization as we  know it. However, because of fear of Uncle Sam (Samophobia) and love of the Pope (Papaphilia), Caribbean leaders have stayed far away from acting on their true feelings to the most controversial herb on Earth. Now that Uncle Sam is legalizing marijuana state by state and the Pope is so cool he sounds like he smoked a joint, there seem to be no major obstacles left to the decriminalization of cannabis.

Americans are practically teaching islanders
Advanced Lessons In Growing Better Weed
on the internet
Still, the paralysis on the part of leaders like Kenny Anthony and Allen Chastanet persists, even though the reasons for their fear have dissipated like, well, like smoke. Into the breach have come the green parties of St Lucia.  Melanie Fraites Green Party has used social media almost exclusively to promote ganja  on its health, economic and social reform planks. Andre De Caires’ Lucian Greens has promoted marijuana as part of a wider agricultural restoration, with surprisingly strong grassroots support among small farmers.
Fraites, Green Party
Marijuana is the solution
De Caires, Lucian Greens
Marijuana is a very important part of the solution

And now, Therold Prudent, the most conservative of the green party leaders, seems to agree that the current state of hypocrisy on marijuana needs to change.

The upshot of the matter is that Prudent is a good Catholic boy who, unlike some people in other parties, has probably never smoked a joint in his life. But Therold is also an economist and a bit of a social scientist, so he can’t conscience the waste of human capital occasioned by the prohibition of pot. Crack, yeah. But jailing fellas for a joint?  That’s not Prudent economics.

And so…

Unlike some people who happen to be the current political leader of a party in parliament, Prudent wants to have an honest discussion on the legalization of ganja. In fact, Therold doesn’t just promise a talk shop. He promises a referendum.

Bum-baba-BUUMMM! A referendum. People voting, deciding for themselves, whether or not to free up the ganja. Democracy is action, changing the shape of government and society according to the will of the people. That’s almost more radical than just using government power to change the legislation. And it leaves the six  people who still hate ganja with the hope that, by some chance, or miracle, the people of St Lucia will not vote overwhelmingly in favor or striking down this poverty-inducing law.

But anyone who knows anything knows how a national referendum on ganja will turn out. I don’t even have to say it.  Just ask yourself: If you put marijuana legalization to a vote in St Lucia, what do you think is going to happen?

If more than 25% of all the adults are either smoking or  have smoked or know someone who smokes, if cops and judges are tired  of ganja prohibition and if just about everyone has a ganja-smoking dread in their family….hmmmm….

With a hot issue like ganja to propel the rest of his message, Prudent could unlock an entire bank of passive voters who have remained so unimpressed with Labour and Flambeau that  they practically  never voted. As long as Labour and Flambeau continue to avoid the ganja question with all their  might,  he will have the cutting edge argument for how to restore agriculture, boost foreign exchange earnings and decriminalize the act of being young  and poor in the Eastern Caribbean.

Prudent may have hit on the smartest political strategy for what is inevitably the hottest political platform issue of the future. Which is basically: “Hey, let the people decide.”

Samophobia and Papaphilia Unite!
In the meantime, both Kenny Anthony and Allen Chastanet are trying as hard as possible to talk about everything else if only to avoid the question, “Have you ever smoked a joint in your life?” and it’s natural follow up, “Did you like it?”

CHAS: So you wanna snoke a joint after?
KING: Gasa, I eh snoking no joint with you, dread!
Don’t even ask for Gail Rigobert: “Gaunjar? Whort’s thart?”

The only problem with a referendum is that Prudent has to convince ganja smokers to put down the joint and get off the chair under the tree to go all the way to electoral  station to vote for him. If scientists are right about the effects of weed, the green parties are going to have to do a helluva lot of mobilization and motivation just to counteract the paralyzing effects of increasingly excellent marijuana.

If ganja voters get too high on election day, it’s back to business as usual.
"Garnjer. Gaunjar. Garunjaur.
Ganchar. Gunjer. Can I just say carnerbis, instead?
Gail Rigobert,  leader of the opposition, trying to say the word ''Ganja.'

Tuesday, 4 March 2014



What do they mean if...?

The coroner's report confirms that the boy was asphyxiated (i.e. strangled) and there was a blow to the head.

If Chakada Daniel had been found hanging from a rope in a room in my house, I would be in jail awaiting a 'fair' trial, right now.

If Chakadan Daniel had been found hanging from a rope in your room, you would have been detained from the very moment the crime was found out.
Because everyone deserves equal justice
And police should not be above the law

If Chakadan Daniel was a police officer, the person whose house they found him in would not make it to court. They would have been shot in a righteous fit of fury.

But Chakadan Daniel was found in hanging from a rope inside a police station. So as the Police Commissioner says, there is no need to speculate about whether police officers beat and strangled Chakadan to death. (Of course, he did go on to speculate about other more fantastic and unreasonable means by which Chakadan was died by strangulation inside a police station.)

And so, we're talking about IF there is going to be an inquest. Not even a court case. An inquest.

And then,  they wonder why no one trusts the Royal St Lucian Police Force.

In fact, here is the basic fact about Lucian cops: Nobody trusts them, unless they know them personally. All the community relations gains that the Royal St Lucia Police Force made in the last decade and a half have all officially been erased.

And something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Let them don't hold an inquest...

For the ghost of Chakadan to make sure that none of them ever get a US visa again.

Sunday, 2 March 2014



So, gambling is part of our communities' life support system, now?
Many people think gambling is a game. They actually call it gaming to make it sound less like a disease. But that’s exactly what it is. It’s the next best thing after smoking crack. In fact, it’s exactly like smoking crack, except your dealer has a government issued license instead of a gun. And a nice well lit place that has been visited by the health inspector instead of an abandoned house with romantic graffiti written in human excrement decorating the cracked and broken walls.

I haven’t thought about the gambling for a while. I just put it in the box with drugs: If people want to do it they will and government, rather than stopping them, will actually facilitate illegal markets, diverting what should be tax money into the pockets of a selected few. The taxes will increase, the opposition will win the election, while the hypocrisy continues to create jobs in law enforcement, health and social safety nets unabated. The intellectuals will write books, the media will reap advertising revenues, the judiciary will get promoted for their co-operation, the cops will become increasingly paramilitant Dale Elliot will do a documentary and everyone will be happy. Except of course for the people in jail, their families, their victims, the victims’ families and the cops and nurses who have to deal with the consequences of this unnecessary bullshit every single day of their godforsaken lives.


St Lucia has developed a special case and it took LPM leader Therold Prudent to point it out to me.
But this article is not about Therold Prudent. This article is about an observation he made about  the hypocrisy of  the Labour government on the issues of gambling and ganja.

Therold Prudent, Leader, LPM
“First, they raged against John Compton when the issue of gaming licenses was first brought up. Then, when they got in,  they went further than he did  and let it spill out of the tourism industry into the communities  so that you have gambling parlors on every corner in communities where  they don’t even have a health center  or a school.

“Then,  when it came time to renew the license, the Roman Catholic  minister  responsible for the license conveniently has to leave the island, while the not-so-Catholic  prime minister signs the contract. So this  industry is allowed to prey on the average St Lucia who  is hoping and dreaming and praying for some good luck for the benefit of  government revenue and that’s okay.

“But when it comes to the legalization of marijuana now, they say, ‘Oh no, no, no, that is not on the cards.’ That’s hypocrisy. That’s moral hypocrisy and it’s not good economic sense.”

So damned true, I can’t believe it.

Certified genius & stiff-necked fool, Kenny Anthony.
$70m worth of joints in his domestic economy and not one in his tax audits
Here we have a government led by a certified genius and it couldn’t figure out that turning to ganja for  export earnings  would have been a much better deal than turning to gambling for government revenue. Prudent says his Catholic conscience can stomach tourism-related gaming  for  economic  reasons. Money from outside  St Lucia  comes to  St Lucia  and gets spent here.  A portion of that money remains here, circulating like  oxygen in the blood while  some goes  back  out to the foreign investors the way unabsorbed oxygen leaves  the lungs. I think I can stomach that,  too, for the additional reason that even the tourist  is not  engaged  in lifestyle gambling. They’re on vacation. Let them free up themselves. After all, this is St Lucia, where we are happy.

But Prudent points out that cornershop community gambling is  a whole different animal because the money spent on those  games  should  have been spent on food, school  books, mortgages. It should have been reinvested in a micro-business or saved or used to upgrade a family’s computers for the benefit of the children. That’s money that’s already in the domestic economy being diverted away from noble  causes to  be shared  between the  foreign investor  and the government. Kenny and the gaming company board might as  well just hombre us in the night and said, “Stick ‘em up.”

Meanwhile, the marijuana farmers of St Vincent and St Lucia have been working their asses off to improve the quality of weed grown in the islands so they can get better prices in their  main European, which is not to say Martiniquan) market. St Vincent’s  leadership has obviously recognized the undeniable contribution of marijuana farmers and transporters to their national economy. Their economy would be a total  wreck if  marijuana wasn’t  there to act as  a center pole when all  else is failing. Marijuana is the reason why St Vincent always  has more money than it’s accountants say it has.

Heroes of the post-banana economy
Saviours of the sinking small island states
Good job, guys.
Now, duck. La Lwa rolling hard!
St Lucia, different story. Especially under Labour. Malhonettes par excellence. Even though most cops now refuse  to arrest any respectful ganja smoker, marijuana has been maintained as a convenient political  scapegoat. Labour ministers have confirmed over and over that  the decriminalization and export of marijuana and hemp products are not on their agenda at all.

More telling was that  when the US continued the blacklisting of St Lucian cops under the current Labour administration, the Labour government and the cops once  again turned to  marijuana as  their  scapegoat. Even while cocaine  was pouring through the St Lucian gateway into Martinique like  lajijit, St Lucian marine police were busting fishing boats  with ganja. And even worse, both the commissioner and the government used it as an excuse to boast that St Lucia was the most pro-active country in the sub-region when it came to drug interdiction. People on the corner where I watch the news were like, “Yo, what happened to the news? Take out that Christopher Hunte comedy maji and put back the news,  man.” They thought it as a joke.
Commissioner of Police
Ganja Persecutor
and amateur comedian
Vernon Francois
Why? Because marijuana is one of the few things in the domestic and export economy that works, has always worked and always will work. Everybody knows that. Good bananas may rot, but good weed does not. Even shite weed gets sold and smoked while other crops feed flies, rat  and worms. Why would any government shy away from a thing that is supporting them, even under constant persecution and threat?

This is how most cops and judges feel when forced to criminalize ganja
They are really not feeling it.
Even while cops and judges are agreeing that they don’t want to put on skeleton costumes and chase  ganja farmers and transporters through the night anymore, the government is insisting on finding new reasons to put them in the embarrassing position of having marijuana convictions on their 21st  century record. Imagine that. Cops and judges are tired of this nonsense  and yet the government allows this senseless, unpopular law to persist in penetrating the people up the posterior.

The government is insisting on maintaining marijuana as a scapegoat. And the opposition…man, what a waste of time talking about those losers. They don’t know which way is up much less which way is forward. Their leader doesn’t know his ass from his  elbow. (He  was recently reportedly found with his elbow in a toilet bowl/Can’t you realistically imagine Chastanet with his elbow in a toilet bowl?)

Ganja continues to give and ganja continues to suffer for it. But ganja doesn’t have a choice. For without ganja, many will suffer far worse than what the police and the prisons have to offer.

If every ganja farmer and transporter had to cease and desist, the St Lucian economy would  suffer a case of asthma. Ganja helps keeps the lungs of a weak,  anemic, life-support dependent society relaxed  and open. Ganja helps to dull the pain of many endemic economic cancers that plague the islands.

Given the pathetic state of  the  banana industry, it is safe to say, unequivocally that ganja is already the biggest cash crop in St Vincent and St Lucia and has been for more  than a decade.

Hey Kenny, you're sleeping and the world is waking up.


Hooray for Richard Frederick.

Not only is he fighting back against the slander and lies and rumors that everyone in the entire world told about him, he’s now taking his case to court. The Boss has always promised that he will be vindicated from all the vicious falsehoods that forced even the most corrupt government in the history of the island to demand his resignation.
Poor Richard. It's him against the world....
Every Don has his day, as El Chapo used to say. Although I guess El Chapo is not exactly best example right now given his current state of incarceration. Not to mention his impending state of extradition to the United States of I’m Going To Make An Example Of You-merica. But enough about El Chapo. We’re talking about a true St Lucian hero here, not some lowlife drug baron with delusions of grandeur. Right?
El Chapo
When the announcement came that El Fredo Rico was going to have his day in court, it sent shockwaves through the island. Everyone who bought into the lies and horror stories and fables had good reason to be ashamed.

Because now, Ritchie is back. He’s on the sure path to getting his visa back.

Richard Frederick's brand new US visa
Proof that the US is ready to vindicate him
Against the lies of Kenny And Company
After all, if he has a court case pending in America, they have to give a him a provisional visa, at least. Otherwise, how will we ensure there is a fair trial? The man has almost won. He has scored the penultimate victory by bringing this case of malignant misjustice (sick!) all the way to the American court system.

In doing so, he has assured that even before he wins the case (which is almost a foregone conclusion now, isn’t it, Lydia?) even before the case starts, Richard Frederick will score another big victory.
Lydia Faisal

All he has to do to beat his backstabbers and backbiters is use that provisional visa to get on a plane bound straight for the United States of Sir Can You Please Step Out of Line and Follow Me Please-erica.

Talk about  “Nyah, nyah, nyahnyah, nyah.”

As for us at the FLOGG, we know we contributed to all the jeering. We took that news like a slap in the face to our integrity. Now, we have no choice but to humble and turn tail. You were right all along, Richard. We can see that now. And so, The FLOGG is now proud to take Frederick’s side against the terrorist, imperialist racists of the Barack Obama administration and its communist allies, Kenny and Company.

Hooray for courage.

Hooray for never giving up.

And hooray for you, Richard. You poor, persecuted, innocent Christian philanthropist bastard,  you. Take heart. The tide is  turning. Because as Bob said, “Jah would never give the power to a baldhead.”

Um…Except you, buddy. Except you.

Now, go pack your bags and get on that jet plane to the United States of I Don’t Know If I’ll Be Back Again. Don’t chicken out or disappoint us, now. Get on that plane.

We dare you.

I mean, we cheer you. Cheer you. We’re cheering you on all the way. Go get ‘em, Tiger!